Ecology/Biology |
General |
Plum Island Estuary (PIE) LTER |
Research at the PIE LTER site. |
Land Margin Ecosystems Research |
Long-Term Ecological
Research |
Analysis |
General | Netlib | Huge
archieve of numerical software, mostly Fortran. |
| Mathematical
Software | A good set of hyperlinks to mathematical
software in the public domain. |
| Automatic
Differentiation | Tools to calculate derivatives of
functions from their source code. |
| Genetic Programming | Programming techniques that use the evolution paradigm. |
| Mathematics Information Servers |
A good jumping point to mathematical sites around the world |
| Fortran Market | Fortran stuff. Mostly commercial. |
ODE Analysis |
Bifucation and Nonlinear
Instability Laboratory | Systems analysis stuff. |
| AUTO |
Bifurcation analysis of ODE's |
PDE's, Meshes, etc. |
Finite Element Resources |
A very good site on finite
elements and related techniques. Links to both commercial and public domain
code. |
| PETSc |
The Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation. A very nice package (understatement) for the numerical solution of PDE's. |
A cool package for solving eliptical PDE's using parallel
computation. Don't know if it has been released yet. |
| Diffpack | Another cool package to solve PDE's using c++. Public domain. |
| LUGR | Fortran routines to solved general PDE's in 2D and 3D. Public
domain. |
| MGNet | Summary of work in multigrid methods. |
Optimization | Decision Tree for
Optimization Software | List many different type of
optimization software (mostly Fortran). |
| NEOS Guide:
Optimization Software | Links to many different types of
optimization software, both public domain and commercial. |
| Global Optimzation | A
good site to global optimzation work. |
Hydrodynamic Models |
Coastal Ocean Modeling at the USGS |
Rich Signell's modeling page. Has several anaimated movies of
Boston Harbor and Massachusetts Bays hydrodyanmics. Very nice. |
| Gulf of Maine | Modeling work that is being conducted in the Gulf of Maine. |
Princeton Ocean Model |
A widely used public domain ocean model. (Must contact authors to
use). |
Data Assimilation |
Data Assimilation Office, NASA. Use of data assimilation mostly for improving GCM model prediction. |